Sad, isn't it? That our world, our friendships can so easily be narrowed down to a status update? I mean, soon our status updates are what they are going to put on our epitaphs, or maybe our epitaphs will just be our status updates and rather then having a funeral when you die, everyone can just sign onto facebook and have a virtual funeral. The same could go for any type of get-together really. Weddings, family gatherings, birthday parites. I mean why not, it seems thats where we all know each other from anyway. Or spend the most time hanging out with each other. So I have decided to put a stop to it in my life.
I want the people who are my friends to talk to me in person, I don't want to be added to a friend list just so I can make the number count go up. I currently have 74 friends in my friend list (a rather small amount in facebook standards) and still only talk to maybe 10-15 of those friends. I challange anyone who reads this (and well lets face it thats no one) to take a look at their friends list on facebook and see how many of those people they actually talk to, delete the ones you never do and never care to, and if you see that whats left is people you see on a regular basis then delete your facebook account. Lets begin to get personal again, face to face, not face to computer screen. Lets not let the virtual world take over our lives.

=) I really do wish I got to know you better while I was at Prov. Coffee when I get out there?
ReplyDeleteNow we have to buy a scrabble game to play in real life :)
ReplyDeleteFor sure Joy, coffee would be great:-)
ReplyDeleteAnd Felicia, it also means we have to get together in person more, which is what I am looking forward to:-)