Sunday, December 26, 2010

Not so sure about "Happy Holidays"

This year I am definately a Scrooge. Minus the money of course. I used to love Christmas. All the lights, getting together with family, giving presents...This year, not so much. I bought my ticket present for my niece and I bought my mom a present because I would feel horrible if this was her last Christmas with us and I didn't get her anything.

I used to be an optimist, and have become a pessimist. 2011 is supposed to be an exciting year, I graduate from college and quite possible will go on to get my masters. All I see in the future is pain and heartache. I am completely miserable.

I am happy the holidays are over, all the obligatory "partying" is done for another year. New Years is nothing here at home. My mom and I usually go to bed early since everyone else has plans. Its just another normal night here. I actually work the entire day, from about 8:30 in the morning till about 9:30 or 10 at night anyway, so going to bed early will be nice. Then its the weekend where I will pack to head back to my apartment on sunday, and school starts again on the 3rd.

I am angry, sad, disapointed and anything else that falls into that category. Everything but happy. I try to fake it for moms sake, but I think she's catching on already. Yesturday on our way to my brothers she told me I should have a good time, not think of anything else, and today on our way to my aunt and uncles she asked me if  I was happy. Of course I told her I was, but I lied. How can I be happy when this could very easily be the last Christmas with her? How can I be happy when I know she has cancer in her body she will never get rid of? How can I be happy when all this news comes to us on the eve of the anniversary of my fathers death? How can I be happy when I am the only one this even remotely bothers? My brothers act as though nothing is wrong, as does my mom. Maybe I am just being paranoid, I don't know. But I like to be real too. I can't pretend mom isn't sick like everyone else does. I just can't.

Sorry to anyone who reads this, but at least you know now that if I am not my normal chatty, friendly, happy self when you see me, this is why.

 All I have to say about this Christmas season is Bah Humbug!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Momma T, i know how hard this time of year can be for you, but maybe the best Christmas present you can give your mom is to be happy and joyful, despite the circumstances, for real. just a thought... it'll go a long way in the end...
