Friday, January 7, 2011

Nice to see you again

Well it certainly has been a little while since I last met you here. So I thought I should come by and say hi.

I just finished a one week, intense course at school. What is generally taught in 4 months would taught in 5 days. It was an intro to computers course and I can't imagine taking it over 4 months, it would be soooooo boring.

Now that I have had time to process all that is going on with my mom, I personally am doing a lot better. Christmas was rough, I faked happy all the way through and made it out alive at the other end. Prayers have been going up on behalf of my family all over and let me tell you we sure feel it. Thanks everyone.

Besides the crappy news about my moms health over the holidays, I did not get much of a break, as I worked almost full time at one of my jobs and more shifts then usual at my other part time job. So I decided to take this weekend off even though I could have worked all day both saturday and sunday. But I really needed to recoup before starting this next semester.

Thought I would point out some things of interest (to me at any rate) that you might wanna check out. My friend Jason has a blog called Silent Siege and his latest post mentions a book called unPlanned. Written by Abby Johnson who is a former director for Planned Parenthood. She talks about how she went from directing an abortion clinic to working for Prolife. I think this book could be a very interesting read. Thanks Jason for introducing it to me in on your blog. I certainly will be looking for this book to read in the near future.

If you love to crochet, like me, then I recommend the site Crochet Me. You can get tons and tons of free crochet patterns and very unique ones at that. Once I find feet small enough to fit these, then I wanna make them, cause they are so darn cute.

Well, I think thats where I will end it today. Hope your holidays were great and that your venture into 2011 was a good one. Hope your year will be spectacular. Talk to ya soon again. Much love and prayers...


  1. Glad you decided to take this weekend off, you definitely deserve some down time before the semester begins.

    You and your mom are in my prayers.

  2. Praise the Lord that Computer Useless is over. And that sounds like a good read =)
