Lately I have seriously been bothered by the amount of PDA (public displays of affection for those who don't know) going on everywhere. I work at the mall, and you would be surprised to see how many people (in Steinbach) stroll through the mall, stopping every 10 feet to kiss. Seriously, you are shopping, if you can not stay off each other for that long GO HOME!! I also feel this way about people who can't stop touching each other. Like they have to stay connected the entire time they are in each others presence or else one of them may disappear. They are ALWAYS holding hands, almost sitting on each other (or sitting on each other) hanging off each other. If you truly like/love each other, one or the other won't run away.
Another pet peeve of mine is when groups of friends hang out and one couple will constantly be kissing, giggling and whispering like they're in their own world. Well they are, but unfortunately their friends can see them and have to put up with the awkwardness. My answer to this is, GET A HOTEL ROOM. Your friends don't want to see this, and if you still want to hang out with your friends you need to consider their feelings too.
I may be an old single lady who has dreamt of her dream man often. But I can say that if the only way I can have that man in my life is through extreme PDA, forget it, not happening. I think its totally fine if one of the pair is leaving and wants to give the other a peck on the lips goodnight, but leave it at that. And if its entirely necessary to do more then that, leave the room so not everyone has to witness.
One more pet peeve to leave here tonight and that is the constant referencing of "the boyfriend/girlfriend". You know what I mean, the emphasis on "my boyfriend says this" and "my girlfriend says that". Like I get it, you're in a relationship, now let it go. Also when everything that comes out of your mouth has to be about the person your dating in some way shape or form it tells me you are not seeing enough of the world. Just to add the single reference in here, think of your single friends who you constantly exclude, make feel bad or even sometimes a little envious when you constantly reference everything in life to your significant other. They get it, your dating someone, you like them, but do they have to constantly hear about it?
I have friends who fall into the PDA/pet peeve category and I have friends who are dating but you would barely know it. And to them I say, "good on ya, way to keep the intimate parts of your relationship to yourselves."
Thats my rant, sorry you had to hear it, but I needed to leave it somewhere.
My name is Theresa Reimer, and I approve this message.
Eeee I'm sorry if I fall into the yucky pet peeve category :(