I am proud of myself for how I handled things. I was angry at first, but didn't lash out in any horrific way. I wrote an email that appologized for any bad behaviour and said that I was praying for him and wished God's blessing on him. It was not accepted that day, but on Monday night we had a long conversation on MSN (so I could translate everything into Spanish). It started as "Theresa did everything wrong" thing and I was about to sign off when I got an apology. I was shocked. Not that it made me go running back with open arms, because that won't happen, but it made me realize that maybe in time we can at least be friends.
I still have hard times where it seems I can think of nothing else but with God's help I am slowly working on thinking of other things, focusing my attention on more important issues such as finding a job and making money to pay off my schooling. Or perhaps follow my previous dream and continue on into graduate studies. The possibilities are endless. Thanks friends for helping keep my afloat with your prayers and words of encouragement you truly are gifts from God. I love you.
You are wonderful <3 You are totally handling this beautifully. I'm proud of you too.